Slovenia is the original land of Carniolan lavender, a bee characterized by calmness, diligence and excellent orientation. Thanks to the knowledge and dedication of Slovenian beekeepers, this indigenous bee breed has survived in our country to this very day. Slovenian beekeeping has a venerable tradition, and Slovenian honey ranks among the best in the world in quality.
Preddvor entered the history of Slovene beekeeping in the first half of the 19th century, when Fran Lakmayer, a Czech priest, businessman, culturist and father of Slovene beekeeping, served in Slovenia. As an experienced beekeeper and the author of the first textbook on beekeeping in the Slovenian language, "Umni čebelar", he was a role model and teacher for the first beekeepers of Preddvor. Preddvor beekeepers are the recipients of the highest honors in world honey evaluations. Pristine nature and a beneficial microclimate offer our bees excellent conditions for grazing and their output is very diverse; in addition to all kinds of honey (chestnut, flower, spruce, acacia, forest, even from beets) they also offer propolis, pollen, royal jelly and other bee delicacies.
One of our most renowned beekeepers is Kokl Beekeeping, which has also become one of the providers of beekeeping tourism. They take visitors into the mysterious world of bees and offer them an unforgettable beekeeping experience.